Hidden Plots of Macbeth



1. Hidden Plots

• Macbeth Possesses Bat’s Nature

• Lady Macbeth Seduces Duncan

• Lady Macbeth Dies Holily

Naming of Macbeth

2. What’s the message in “Battaile’s lost, and won”?

3. Why Macbeth is called “Bellona’s Bridegroom”?

4. What’s a Rat without a tail?

5. Why the three witches have beards?

6. What kind of bird is called Barlet?

7. What’s the metaphor of Lady Macbeth’s “unsex me”?

8. What kind of woman would dash out a baby’s brain?

9. What’s “that” Banquo gives to Fleance without return?

10. Why Macbeth needs a bell for his drink at midnight?

11. What’s the metaphor of owl and cricket?

12. Why a porter would ask for remembrance?

13. What’s the metaphor of falcon and owl?

14. Why adds a third murderer?

15. Why Macbeth hides his plan from Lady Macbeth?

16. What’s the metaphor of “Corner of the Moon”?

17. Why witches use apparitions to tell Macbeth’s destiny?

18. What’s the metaphor of eight kings?

19. What Lady Macbeth writes in her sleepwalking?

20. Why compares Lady Macbeth’s death with a player?

Appendix 1. Egma, an Enigma

Appendix 2. Sidney Anagram

Appendix 3. All the World’s a Stage

Appendix 4. Six Mechanicals

Appendix 5. Mr. W. H.

Appendix 6. John Milton’s Starre Ypointing Pyramid

Appendix 7. Lamilia Fable

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